Sunday, November 4, 2012

Post #25: It is that time of year. Flu Shots!

" Once again it is that time of year.  Flu Shots! "
Yes, once again it is that time of year.  Flu shots!  My children use to hate when I told them that they had to get a flu shot.  Even my husband thought I was crazy when I would be insistent on him getting a flu shot.  For one brief moment and maybe a sore arm, the benefits in my opinion outweigh the risks.  Some of the more mild side effects, from the vaccine, are soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site, fever, headache, itching, fatigue or cough.  When you compare these symptoms to those of the flu itself they seem minor.  If you were to get the flu, you would be miserable for several days.  Some people will experience high fevers and pneumonia.  It can cause health conditions to worsen.  It can make people, in higher risk categories, become even sicker.
Each year thousands of people die from influenza and even more require hospitalization.  I have had a few friends over the years who said they would never get the vaccine.  Needless to say, they ended up with the flu and could not believe how sick they were.  Now they get the flu shot every year.  I am a true believer in prevention.  If something is available with only minor side effects that can prevent something that could have major consequences, you bet I will look into it!
As for my children, they don't even flinch anymore.  They know that Mom will be scheduling their appointments.  They have learned that the process isn't bad if you do not work yourself up.  Also, if they relax they do not experience as much soreness at the injection site.  It is now a routine that they have become use to.  A few weeks after they have had their flu shots I begin to feel a sense of relief.  Hopefully, they will be covered for another year.  Therefore, it is one less worry for me as a Mom.
Article Submitted By:
Maryfran Powall
Independent Senior Sales Representative

 Links and Sites to Check for information about the Flu & Flu Vaccine

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Post #24: School Lunch, "From a Mother's Perspective"

School Lunch, "From a Mother's Perspective"
From a Mother's perspective, as well as a health educator, I am very upset with the new guidelines for school lunches.  I am sure that First Lady Michelle Obama had good intentions with the plan to change school lunches.  Although, I think she forgot to take a few things into account.  First, for the children that are overweight, their poor eating habits probably started at a very young age.  Many children that are overweight also have parents that are overweight.  The example of how to eat healthy may not have been taught at a young age.  Second, we are a more sedentary society due to video games and technology.  We are not forced to get up and move as much.  Many parents allow their children to play video games which does not do anything positive for their health.

Third, we are in such a hurry that our meals may be chosen due to convenience.  Most food that is fast food, canned food or processed food, is not as healthy of a choice.  There is more sodium and fat present in a lot of these types of food.  Therefore, with the original intention that, First Lady Michelle Obama may have had, it is defeated by choices made at home.  One meal a day in school and an extra gym class each day may not make a huge difference, unless education is a part of teaching better eating habits. The way I see these changes affecting my children, who have been taught better eating habits and to be active, is in a negative way.  They are hungrier now than they use to be.  They need to buy extra lunches to feel full.  Also, they have no desire to eat at school.  This is affecting their mood and making them more tired in the afternoon.  They feel they need to snack more.  Unfortunately, this is not an option.  I do not feel this is fair to my children.  They should not be affected by other's poor choices.

My solution to the problem is education.  Teach the parents of the obese children how to cook healthier, choose appropriate portion sizes and exercise.  We need to realize that we should eat to live and not live to eat.  Setting an example for our children will continue on down through the generations.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could change some of the negative choices that will ultimately affect our health down the road.  Think of the benefits of eating healthy.  Not only would this impact how you feel about yourself, it would also increase your activity level.  Overall, we know there would be less stress on the body itself and joints.  Most people would reduce their risk of diabetes and sleep apnea, as well as, many other diseases that are related to obesity.  Imagine what we could actually accomplish and how great people would feel!


"As I said, this is my own perspective as a mother and health educator."
Article Submitted By:
Maryfran Powall
Independent Senior Sales Representative